Two Week Reflection

Week two has been a very busy packed week filled with completing goals. Week one helped me a lot with organizing and preparing everything I needed for week two. Last week I learned how to conduct a proper interview, how overwhelming scheduling can be, and how to create a consent form. I ended week one doing my first few interviews and setting a goal to complete all my interviews by Wednesday May 15th, and begin writing my blog posts for my Mentor Pam.

I began week two on May 15th. I started off that week strong with four interviews in one day, this day was probably my busiest day of that week. I went into Monday expecting to have two interviews that day and two more girls reached out to interview that day so I jumped on the opportunity. Day eight was a transition period from finishing interviews to starting blogs and collecting consent forms. I finished my interviews with seven girls. My goal was to interview 10-15 girls but this time of year is tricky to find girls that are not moving out of college or in finals. I didn’t see this as a problem that I didn’t reach my goal of 10-15 interviews because many of the interviews were getting repetitive. Day nine I began writing my first blog for my mentor Pam that will be posted on her website. This blog is titled “Packing My Suitcase: How Life Coaching Changed My Life”. This blog was so much fun to write and it was so interesting to go back into my notes from interviews to pull quotes to put in the blog. Day ten I finished writing my first draft of my blog and began editing it. Day eleven was very exciting. I completed my first blog! After I finished my first blog I got started right away on my second blog. Day twelve  my last day of week two, I finished the first draft of my blog two and sent it to my mentor Pam to receive edits. This blog is about Emotional Intelligence. So far I have completed goal number one which was interviewing seven girls, I completed goal number two which was my first blog post, and my goal number three is completing my second blog post. Not everything happened as I expected. I will not have time to make art work, but I felt as if a second blog post was more important than creating art. My goals for Monday and Tuesday is to finish the final edits of blog post two and then post both blogs to my mentor Pams website. Overall this week I learned how to move forward and create new goals as new challenges arise.        


Right now I am on track with 63 hours meaning I have twelve hours left to spend on senior project to finish the full 75 hours. My plan is to leave six hours for Monday and six hours for Tuesday for edits and finishing touches. I have really enjoyed this project and digging deeper into how coaching has helped girls of all ages, this project has made me think a lot about looking into a career of coaching when I'm older. This week's activities will benefit me so that next week isn’t rushed and all of my work I am presenting is well thought out and produced well. Overall I am bittersweet about senior project ending. Just two more days left!      

(This is where my final blogs will be posted on my mentor Pams website!) 


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