Day 5

 Day 5 (Hours: 8-11, 12-3 = 6 Hours) 

I woke up this morning at 8 a bit earlier than I usually do as I had my first interview right at 9 today! And wanted to prepare for the interview. My interview went amazing. It was very cool to talk to someone with such a similar mindset. The call went from 9-10. After the call I went back through my notes to add more details I didn't get to add during our interview. Something I found challenging was how hard it is to take notes during an interview when you're trying to talk, listen, and write. I found taking bullet points during the interview was easiest. After the interview I went back through and added detail I may have not been able to add during the interview. I did this editing from 10-11 and had a quick call with my mentor Pam to let her know how well the interview went. I then took a break for an early lunch at 11, after lunch I started working again at 12 to prepare for my second interview of the day at 12:45. I ended my day editing my notes from the last and interview and checking in with Pam. Overall today was successful with interviews and I am excited for the one I have tomorrow!   

(Questions for interviews) 

Total Hours Completed: 29 hours
Published On: 5/12/23 @6:34


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