Day 6

 Day 6 (Hours: 10-11 = 1 Hour) 

I woke up around 9:30 to get ready for my 10 AM interview. I usually won't work on Saturdays but I am in a bit of a crunch with interviews so I decided that I would do one interview today. My interview lasted 45 minutes. And then after the interview I went back through my notes to edit, and add any missing pieces that I didn’t have time to add during the interview. I ended my hour of time looking at the interviews I have next week which are two on Monday! I am excited to finish up these interviews so I can begin writing blog posts on my findings through my interviews. Overall today was a quick hour that organized me for the up coming busy week!

Total Hours Completed: 30 hours
Published On: 5/13/23 @11:10


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